STAT!Ref Value-Added Resources

Did you know that free value-added resources are included with every STAT!Ref title subscription? By personalizing your Institution’s STAT!Ref subscription with a My STAT!Ref account, you can create a customized experience with favorite documents or searches, mobile access, e-mail alerts and much more. Please see below to learn more about these important tools and services, or for assistance please click here to contact us anytime.

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AAFP Conditions A to Z (in English and Spanish)

STAT!Ref includes this patient information tool that’s been written and reviewed by physicians and patient education professionals at the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). Common conditions, treatments and health tips are listed alphabetically or cross-searched in STAT!Ref.

Altmetric Badges

Altmetric collects article level metrics and the online conversations around research papers by tracking a selection of online indicators (both scholarly and non-scholarly) to give a measurement of digital impact and reach. The result is the Altmetric Score. Currently, you will find Altmetric Badges in STAT!Ref through: Essential Evidence Plus™, Evidence Alerts, Scientific American Databases and Supplement-Goals Reference Guide and Research Digest.

Bibliographic Citations

Citations for use in research papers can be generated by using the Bibliographic Citations feature at the bottom of every STAT!Ref document. You can export citations suitable for use in either RefWorks or EndNote.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Resources

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) resources that are automatically included with each STAT!Ref search are: The Pink Book, The Yellow Book, The Guide to Community Preventive Services, and The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

Evidence Alerts

Provides e-mail delivery and access to current evidence-based medicine (EBM) information and research from over 130 premier clinical journals. These alerts are pre-rated for clinical relevance and newsworthiness by a panel of practicing physicians through McMaster University. Choose the disciplines within Medicine, Nursing, and Rehab and receive daily EBM updates.

HL7 Infobutton

STAT!Ref utilizes the HL7 (Health Level Seven) Infobutton search with electronic health records. This allows doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who review a patient’s health records quick access to STAT!Ref ’s resources. It provides value for EMR/EHR systems, but can be integrated into any information system.


EBMcalc is a collection of over 400 calculations, clinical criteria sets and decision trees. With each search you perform, STAT!Ref automatically presents links to relevant evidence-based medicine (EBM) tools within EBMcalc. Among the tools included are: Clinical Criteria Sets, Decision Trees, Medical Equations, and Unit and Dose Converters.

PubMed and The National Guidelines Clearinghouse

STAT!Ref automatically searches PubMed and The National Guidelines Clearinghouse for matched results. Related concepts are displayed using the Metathesaurus provided by the National Library of Medicine’s Unified Medical Language System.

STAT!Ref Mobile

STAT!Ref is optimized for delivery on mobile devices. Simply log in as you normally do and most mobile devices will be automatically redirected to the mobile URL. The mobile version has full content available for all STAT!Ref titles and is intended to allow quick searches while on the go. A STAT!Ref iPhone app is available from the Apple Store.

Stedman’s Medical Dictionary

This reliable, must-have resource for healthcare professionals is included with each STAT!Ref subscription. It contains more than 107,000 terms. Highlight a word, click on the Stedman’s definition link for quick definitions without leaving your search.


Toxicology Data Network is a set of databases covering toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health and related areas. STAT!Ref cross-searches TOXNET and provides results from the databases applicable to your search.

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